Lynette, South Africa
My last month in Durham NC was exciting and busy. I have made so many friends and built amazing contacts. I spent the last month visiting with friends, going to restaurants & coffee shops. I am so grateful for these friends. I decided to take advantage of the 30 days grace period to travel. Thank you to AHA for this amazing opportunity. I will never forget this, and it has enriched my life and I cannot wait to share it with everyone back in South Africa.

Dayanna, Chile
My experience has been very nice in the United States since I arrived. My employer organized a holiday party where we could share and meet all the workers of the company. The experience is unforgettable! I am very happy with the process of the program, in a month I already feel that I have learned a lot about the service. My employer has given me a good welcome

Mohammad, India
I would love to tell you that I am living my dreams. I used to dream that one day I would go to the U.S to see the culture and diversities. After being here I can see the power of cultural understanding. I was able to visit New York City and I met an Italian family at the time square, we sat at the stairs for an hour talking, that was an amazing experience for me. My host employer is amazing, every day I learn new things.

Samanta, Croatia
I have met an amazing American host that is showing me all the things to enjoy during my experience. I am having so much fun learning about country life in Colorado. One of my friends came to visit me in Colorado and we went horseback riding. Another amazing event I have experienced was Christmas dinner party with my employer. They made sure we had amazing time and recognized for our success. I am very satisfied and look forward to learning and experiencing more.

Hermel, Philippines
I am enjoying my internship in United State. Experience and learning new things while and the American culture and all the nationalities. My first winter in U.S. is very exciting, I experienced snow for the first time, skiing and ice skating too! My host employer treats us like a family, it was great to experience Christmas and New Years in America.

Katia, Peru
During my stay I have visited many places and experienced the aquarium, botanical park and cinema. I enjoyed building a snowman. Something that stands out is that I have made many friendships with people from different countries, which is very nice.

Nathan, United Kingdom
Cultural exchange is great. During my program I attended the opening game of the season for soccer, hot air balloons, dinner with Mickey mouse, visited Las Vegas, experienced NFL games. The program was amazing and gave such opportunity. AHA was very supportive in the preparation and arrival to the United States. Answering any questions big or small in any volume and there for me throughout my program.

Ana, Dominican Republic
This is my first time in USA, I would never imagine everything was going to be so amazing, I love people from this town and they are all very polite, smiley all times and willing to assist and this experience had made me learn a lot on this exchange program.

Joanna, Philippines
This program helped me to become friendly and understanding in a diverse place. Time flies so fast, it has been 9 months now and my first day here in Atlanta is still fresh in my mind. Please keep on doing this program, I am just one of the people who you help to make their dreams come true. Thank you for choosing me as AHA’s Star of Service, I really appreciate it, thank you for recognizing all my accomplishments during my internship.

Nenad, Serbia
We had a small gathering where everyone brought something characteristic from their country. I had a chance to try S'mores. Everything is excellent so far, just I wanted to be. The resort is a remote destination but with a lot of outdoor activities. Colleagues and guests are very friendly and polite. Everything is great and meeting my expectations!

Johnatan, Brazil
These past few months were awesome, the Georgia heat is back, I enjoy going to the beach and parks. I went on a trip to Atlanta to see an artist I'm a big fan of, I celebrated ST Patrick's day, 4th of July, Easter with friends and family, went camping with... trying to enjoy every moment of my program. I rotated to my next phase and my training is going as planned – this month learning audit and accounting.

Zaneta, Kenya
When I arrived, I met an American friend who took me out for lunch with her family, they were extra friendly, and we got to know each other's culture. We had an international night that was held by my employer, we shared traditional food with different nationalities. My training program is going well, I am learning a lot and can't wait for more!

Hester, South Africa
Me and Raluca did our first hike in the area and under the magnificent redwood trees which we grow to love so much! I have also experienced the love of fellow staff members as some of them goes above and beyond to make us feel at home. It really is a special place and the people already feels like family! One of the managers celebrated his birthday and invited us for a barbecue at his house. Good food, company and some karaoke. Overall it has been a wonderful month with several new experiences. This week we are in the transitioning phase of rotating to new departments. Overall, I am satisfied and happy about how things have progress.
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